Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Celebrating Womanhood!

Celebrating womanhood and passing our legacy of motherhood onto the next generation! This is what this blog it is all about, the positive attitude of motherhood! This blog is not to dictate how, when or where to have a baby or how many children a mother should have! This blog is all about sharing our experiences and what we have learned through our experiences with out try to criticize anyone else for what they believe!

I basically wanted to start this because I wanted to bring about a attitude in the world today that there are women in the world today, that love being who Heavenly Father made them to be! I wanted to bring about the feeling that having a baby is a God given gift and can be looked at in a spiritual way! We can bring about spiritual awakening and feeling of calmness and not FEAR of childbirth!

I want the young women to know how sacred it is to become a mother and to know that is very special and is not to be taken lightly!

So it is not my purpose to make any one feel guilty if they don't have 10 children or 6,5,4,3,2 or even 1 child ! Each woman has their mission to fulfill and their mission is important and will be unique, not identical to my life experience! I want to acknowledge how unique each one of us are! Along with how wonderful it is to have things in common! So I am trying to find some common grounds!

So lets have fun with this and try to accept each others differences! But please share your knowledge and make some comments even if it might be different from mine!


Natalie said...

I really like your new blog! This is a really good idea and I love how your getting everyone involved. Your awesome!

letfreedomreign said...

Thanks Natalie! Your awesome too! I hope you will send me some of your experience in pregnancy and after, when you researched to lose weight!