Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Good health our resposibility!

I would like to get more responses from other women's experiences, and what they did to try to stay healthy through the stages of pre-pregnancy through their pregnancy and after during lactating!

The secret to good Health is in our own hands! It is up to me to stay healthy by what I put into my body! whether it be through food, water or thought! Negative thoughts can cause health problems, and eating junk food even breathing in toxic air can add to it. Our immune system gets over taxed through the years of toxic build up in our body so it is hard to bounce back to good health. when we were younger and would get sick we could bounce back easier because of a stronger immune system.

for our teen agers they probably eat more fast food and junk food compared to when we were growing up, so I would just guess that they would become toxic quicker than the other generation and need to prepare their bodies for pregnancy a year earlier to clean out the toxins! Even the older generation having babies are told to prepare their bodies for pregnancy a year earlier by eating healthier!

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